What is Embodiment?

Woman with Hand on Heart_Embodiment

What is Embodiment and Reclamation?

It's not another self help strategy, alternative modality, lifestyle hack, body-morphing program, or mindset shift.

It's not a retreat or a once in a lifetime meditative experience.

It's taking back your body and your identity. It’s a revolution.

It's accessible. It's foundational. It’s available to all of us.

It’s yours.

The only thing you’ll ever need for true freedom, peace, comfort, and power is YOU.

It’s coming home. Remembering. And it’s dang powerful.

Because you are powerful.

Embodiment, put simply, is the feeling of being at home in your body.

It is the sense of positive connection, power, and agency within your physical body, and empowerment, ownership, , strength, and peace in our spiritual and mental body.

I take that a few steps further.

The way I teach and practice embodiment brings you in closer communion to your Spirit so you can live a more fully expressed life and honor both your Divine and human. Become One with your truth.

When living an embodied life

  • you feel freedom in being your authentic self

  • it feels safe to take up space

  • you are a bold force of feminine power

  • you rise rooted and strong

  • you experience a deep connection to your whole being

  • you honor your needs and desires unapologetically.

It’s a way of showing up that is entirely autonomous and self-contained, while extending a ripple effect of love, compassion, and kindness to everyone around you.

It’s the healing power that the world is calling for right now.

We can experience emotion as anchored in the body, care for and protect our body, and use our body as a source of wisdom when interacting with the world.
— Hillary L. McBride, PhD

Are you disembodied?

  • Is meeting your needs challenging? Do you often not even know what your body or spirit really need?

  • Do you claim to “not know” or to lack intuition?

  • Are you experiencing feelings of disconnection from your body?

  • Do you often feel constricting and resistance within your body?

  • Do you criticize your body and engage in negative self-talk?

  • Is expressing your needs and desires challenging or uncomfortable?

  • Does expressing yourself fully feel scary or unsafe?

First, none of this is your fault. It’s the result of being raised in a patriarchal system that historically has not valued or validated a woman’s needs, desires, perspective, or innate value. We have been taught to put trust only outside ourselves and to disown our own power and inner wisdom.

But you can reclaim it.

You can take back your power, reintegrate the parts of you that have been scattered, and live an embodied life.

You deserve to.

We need you to.

The world needs women to rise up. To return to their feminine wisdom and power.

To bring more balance and harmony to our planet, and to help other women rise.